2018 Art Goals


Hooray for the new year! And with a new year comes a new year’s resolution. Like many people, I’ve had plenty of years where I make lists, do well for a week, totally lose focus, forget all about my new schedule, and then go eat a bunch of cookies. *laughs* Well this year for my art I wanted to focus on bringing back a lot ideas and projects that I’ve continuously put on the back burner over the last few years. I got a jump start on my resolutions and have already been working on some of them! I have some exciting things in store (well, exciting to me anyway ;p).

I’m Doing Art Streams on Twitch

I’ve made a few YouTube videos here and there, but honestly my rate of publishing video content has been slow to say the least. Between my lack of personal projects and the time it takes to get a video ready for publishing on YouTube, I just don’t produce them much. I’ve wanted to do live art videos for a long time so this year I’m going to do video streaming!

I’ve made a channel on Twitch so you can tune in, hang out, and ask questions while I work on some of my projects. I’d also like to do live draw-alongs so if there’s anything you’ve wanted to practice drawing, leave a comment! I may stream about your suggestion sometime. I’m still planning out my schedule but I’m hoping to do some streams every week. Go ahead and give me a follow if you’d like to get notifications about when I go live. 🙂 You can find my channel here.

Fat Kitties of History

kill bill kittyAround the time I launched my website, I digitally drew a parody of Kiddo from Kill Bill as a rad butt-kicking fat kitty. I had a lot of fun with it and had wanted to do a new fat kitty each Friday. I found that I just didn’t have the time to do them so the idea was shoved into my notebook of ideas and that was that.

As the years went by, I still thought a lot about the fat kitties idea and came up with a series I wanted to do called Fat Kitties of History. In that series, I wanted to do art of historical figures as cute fat kitties. I’ve decided to officially start Fat Kitties of History this year!

I’ll be doing streams of my work on them on my Twitch channel as well. Historical figure suggestions are super welcome and encouraged! Just leave a comment on this post.


Art Prints & T-Shirts

I’ve been asked multiple times if I sell art prints or my artwork on shirts. I’ve looked into a number of ways to approach offering prints and clothing and I’ve finally chosen a company to produce them for me! Sometime within the next month or two I’ll be opening a printed items shop that I’ve been setting up on Threadless.com. There you’ll be able to purchase my art prints, printed t-shirts, phone cases, and other printed accessories on demand. You’ll still be able to purchase original artworks on my regular website.

I’ll be announcing the official start of my Fat Kitties of History series and my print shop opening on my Facebook page.

I’m pretty excited about what I have coming up this year, but I also wanted to take the time to thank you all so much for your awesome support, follows, commissions, discussions, and positivity over the years. I’m so extremely grateful. I hope you all have an awesome 2018!

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